Happy 2008


Happy New Year! What did you do on the first day of 2008?

I woke up early, a bit disoriented. What day is it? Oh yes — the first day of a brand spanking new year. And I had plans… big plans.

I was going to get to the gym by 9am, then jump in a Zipcar and buy groceries, budget for 2008, replace the black gloves and scarf I left in Massachusetts over Christmas, do five loads of laundry, clean the kitchen, set up a blog for my brother, and read through all my email.

But one look outside and I decided to burrow into my white down comforter and read one more chapter of The Third Secret. Ten chapters later, I put on the tea kettle and after a quick scan of the cupboards, convinced myself to put off that trip to social Safeway.

Naughty girl that I am, I almost talked myself out of doing laundry too. But three loads later, I was still reclined on the couch reading Steve Berry’s thriller.

I phoned some friends, left messages with family, and finally let go of my well laid plans and vegged out to the last six episodes of Battlestar Galactica Season3.

In all, a most comfortable start to the new year.

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DC to get its own quarter


Congressman Jose E. Serrano of New York inserted language into the spending bill to provide quarters for the District, Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands.

The local government will design the flip side of the quarter.

If it were up to me, I’d have Tai Shan yank one of the fingers of The Awakening hand while surrounded by cherry blossoms.

How would you design DC’s new quarter?